Diorama - Habits of mind - Thinking Flexibly

Habits of mind - thinking flexibly 

So flexible thinking is to explain some or all of the below

- you are ready to think outside the box
- there are multiple solutions for any problem 
- rigid mind may lack in-depth vision and perception

So, first I wanted to do with legos, why?

- they are strong 
- they are versatile 

Just like our mind - strong, confident, reliable but still versatile and flexible

Lego project :

I picked couple of pieces and tried to show how many possibilities or models can be built with those limited pieces. 
All the models were to be built from same set of Lego pieces and can’t use anything outside that.

Sample ones I built 
- micro R2-D2
- fire hydrant
- beverage dispenser
- nutcracker
- Saturn V rocket
- candle stand / chandelier 
- Christmas tree
- giraffe
- paper towel rack
- tree frog
- ketchup and mustard condiment container
- robot
- traffic light

Happy/ sad automata

- here in order to emphasize the need to be flexible to view things differently. How being open to different perspective can completely alter the solution or end result. 

Used tinker toy and created a gear with dowel pieces and fixed them and made a wooden box to mount them. Setup a crank to move it and pasted The sticker on one e d of the dowel. So when it is rotated the first view may show sad face but then after 90 degree turn may show completely different happy face. 

IKEA wooden man

Named this toy Mr.flexible because unlike regular Barbie and super hero toys and figurines this guys parts move. He can be anything
- swimmer 
- runner
- speaker 
- listener
- person looking for shade 

Possibilities are endless ...


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