Pulleys - Science experiments
Pulley A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable or belt, or transfer of power between the shaft and cable or belt. Overcome friction a wheel with a grooved rim around which a cord passes. It acts to change the direction of a force applied to the cord and is chiefly used (typically in combination) to raise heavy weights. Types of pulley Fixed : Pulley is fixed and load is moved using pulley. A fixed pulley changes the direction of the force on a rope or belt that moves along its circumference A fixed pulley has an axle mounted in bearings attached to a supporting structure Movable : Pulley is attached to load. A single movable pulley is supported by two parts of the same rope and has a mechanical advantage of two A movable pulley has an axle in a movable block.. Compound (Block and Tackle) A block and tackle can have several pu...