DIY simple constellation
Constellation PURPOSE: This is a simple craft project for science lovers. HYPOTHESIS: Constellations can be recreated with simple materials and it can be lot of fun MATERIALS: Thread or simple wire split pins thumbstack photoframe foam sheet optional -(fluorescent paint or glow in the dark nail polish) pen and paper INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Take the frame and cut the foam sheet in the size of frame to fit. 2.Use thumbstack to poke holes in the foam sheet shape of the desired constellation you are trying to create. 3. Insert split pins in the holes 4. Use the wire to connect the split pins 5. Close the split pins in the back side of foam sheet. 6. Insert the foam sheet in the photo frame and fasten it. 7.Optional choices are use glow in the dark wire and use glow in the dark nail polish on the split pins head. 8. Optional choice would be to write down names of the stars and paste it next to the split pin heads RES...