
Showing posts from December 19, 2021

Courses Offered

From Levers to Transmissions - A starter course on engineering, moving from basic simple machines to advanced automobiles. Covers all 6 basic Simple Machines, Hydraulics, Automata, Gears, and Automobiles over 10 classes. Stars and Space -A course on the celestial bodies and items all around space. Covers Astronomy, Astrology, Stars and Constellations over 6 classes. Energy and Electricity -A course covering forms of energy, giving a wide-rounded education on how energy and electricity work. Covers Non-Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy, Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism over 6 classes. Chemistry, Biology, and Physics -A basic(not calculation-based!) course on basic physics, chemistry, and biology for younger students looking to understand these topics without the high levels of mathematics and other studies required. Covers Hydraulics, Thermodynamics, States/Transitions/Reactions, Matter, Force, Biology, Ecosystems, Space, and Oceans over 10 classes. Fun Science! -A course bas...


= Gears Gears are a fundamental part of modern technology. Since their inception, they have been used to great effect, being used in tools from the smallest bikes to the largest cars. But, how do they work? Gears, in their most basic form, are wheels with "teeth" that can interconnect with other gears. The gear that is powered is called the driver, and interconnected gears are called follower gears. The two primary functions of gears are to transfer motion, and amplify force. Transferal of Motion is simple: the gear moves, and the teeth, interconnected, move the other gears as well. The basic principle of moving power is simple, and the more complex principles follow easily. The direction of the gears is important as well. When there is simply a driver and a follower gear together, they will always move in opposite  directions. However, when there is an idler gear between them, they will move in the same direction. Essentially, the gear next to a gear will move in the opposit...