Mini magic illusion: Chopped head on table
This project is to create a mini model of famous magic illusion chopped head on the block. What do you need? - a Used CD - a mirror strip or acrylic mirror that could be cut to a rectangle mirror - 5 handle stamp / wooden dowel anything that could mimic a table leg - a anthropomorphic toy - wooden base/box cut as shown in picture, make sure the back and front have same type or design. How to do? - Cut one of the handle stamp into two - paste them on the end of the mirror strip - cut the 3/4 of the cd - paste the remaining 4 legs on the cd, to mimic a table as shown in the picture. Illusion: Place the toy in the back side of the box place the cd table. Place a mirror strip in the front of the back legs of the table and back of the front leg as shown in picture. Ta-da illusion ready.